It is often cited that Bipolars are Geniuses . I really don't feel like a Genius , even though i've heard that several times in my life, including after my IQ Test . I feel it is more of a curse . There are really no treatment options for a Bipolar except for these horrible painful pills that we are forced to take . These pills are a spiritual leash, believe me . The side effects are often worse than the actual condition. For example, chronic body pain, stomach and digestion, as well as premature ageing. It really doesn't help at all. My Guy swallowed my pills to see what I was talking about and said they are the worst things he has ever experienced . My Mother and Sister were put on the same pills and stopped right away because they felt so ill on them .
I really owe a lot to Plant Medicine for my Personal Healing. I take cannabis as well as Hapéy on occasion to relieve a lot of my symptoms. And it works and is much cheaper than the chemical sh-t that I am forced to take .
I think part of the Bipolar Genius is Passion. All Bipolars are Passionate People. They have no limits which is the problem and the Genius. Expressed into art or some other channel, the Bipolar can really create masterpieces . Pero it is also with this having no limits comes the problem of crossing lines. And this is where is gets all messy. We have no control of our moods and emotions because we lack boundaries . Perhaps because our boundaries were crossed . I know mine were. And I carried that through life, this anger, this sense of unease and just unleashed it carelessly. Then u end up locked up for the first time and medicated . Then it begins a vicious cycle with Big Pharma winning all the way. You go off the meds because they are unbearable . Only to be locked up again to be pumped up with more and more, a variety of these poison cocktails that are meant to "keep you under control." Truth is. Only thing that can control a bipolar in the end is themselves. Don't you know that ? I think this is why so many Bipolars kill themselves. They cant take the meds anymore .
Talk Therapy is seriously underrated . Noone really talks to you when you are in the Hospital. Shit, I've left the Hospital with Lice and missing teeth. And you daresay to tell me you give a f-ck about me ? Talk Therapy has helped me more than anything. Talk therapy with my friends, my loved ones, my counselors .
! Ca ching ! Don't forget to drink your lithium batteries every morning and night . While you're at it, don't worry about the convulsions, the stomach aches, the constipation, the headaches, the migraines, the body aches , your inevitable kidney and liver failure --- fill in the blank. thats just a side effect ! Nothings worse than you losing your sense of boundaries.
¡ Bon Apetit !